Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A good year

Twas the wee hours of Christmas morning and all through the house, not a creature was stirring except mommy. She lay wide awake, fighting back tears knowing Simran Neena should've been here. Her other children are nestled all snug in their beds while visions of an orphanage in India dance in her head. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care and an extra for Simran Neena, hoping she would soon be there........
 Well, its christmas! while reading the Christmas story from the bible last night, my sweet Six year old boy said, "I'm confused how Joseph and God can be Jesus's dad?" So my husband explains it & uses the example of Simran Neena. Adoption is God's plan! Good enough for Jesus! Good enough for us all to be a part of the family of God. Its beautiful! We are not the ones who gave her life, but we will give her love! We don't know much about her past, but her future is's with us! We had prayed for a Christmas homecoming but that deadline has come & gone with no earthly hope of that happening before 2014. So I'm sad of course. I guess I'm bummed, so to speak. But my Father's working on it. And he's got the whole world in his hands and everything Is in His timing. I mean God started it so He'll finish it! 
We are pretty much guaranteed that we will travel to India sometime in 2014 but that's the only timeframe they will give us.
Now we did have 1 small victory with the adoption, some papers that were delayed finally going through. And package #2, which was a few Christmas presents wrapped in fancy paper with curly ribbon, should be at the orphanage!!
But I won't be sad today because its Christmas! We celebrate Jesus today! Without Jesus, we wouldn't have felt the call to adopt and even be on this road. So happy birthday Jesus! 
And I won't complain because its been a good year! We found Simran Neena this year. She turned 4 this year. We are blessed in so many ways. It's been a good year! 
And 2014.......that's gonna be a good year!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

A few of her favorite things!

Guess what?! We got papers. More papers! I know it doesn't seem exciting but it's another step closer. For adoption folks it's the CRC & MER.....I think that's what they call it. Basically legally accepts her as our adoptive daughter & proceeds to legal guardianship. What was cool is that these papers included personal information about Simran Neena that we didn't know. Like her personality, how she interacts with other kids and strangers, and what she likes to eat. I read and read and Reread what these precious people wrote about the daughter I've never met. And I was proud! Because she's mine and she is awesome to read about! Charming! Delightful! Never meets a stranger! Affectionate! Stubborn (she gets that from Erin)! Loving! Expressive eyes! Those are some of the choice words used to describe her. And then I read about what she likes to eat......noodles, French fries, chocolate, and ice cream! And all the Indian food haters in the family says "Oh yea"! And I immediately go to The Sound of Music, and Julie Andrews and dance around singing: noodles, French fries, and chocolate and ice cream, these are a few of her favorite things!! 
So, things are getting real around here! And papers are getting signed and sent!! 

It's been 10 weeks since we found out about her and are still praying for a Christmas homecoming! Please pray with us! Our hope of course is in The Lord and his perfect timing, but sometimes we have not because we ask not! So we will ask and continue to believe in a miracle! 

Friday, November 1, 2013

Big news & small packages!

A picture is worth a thousand words right?
These are her hands! Her hands touching the things we touched! 
We heard from the orphanage this morning of November 1st! The next stop on the paper train is drawing near! And that is awesome news! But even cooler is that our little parcel (that's what they called it) made it from west mobile & traveled 9,000 miles to an address we weren't even sure was correct & landed safely in our little girl's arms in time for her 4th birthday!!! Thank you God for caring enough to help that happen! The orphanage sent 6 or 7 pictures of our Simran Neena with her gifts. Talk about tears of joy from this momma!! She is just beautiful! She has little dimples & looks very happy. I can't post pics so the hands will have to do for now. 
In the email from the orphanage they called us her parents and her family! Just to see it in writing coming from someone who knows her made my heart skip a beat! And this is how they described her:

"She is a charming bright child and wins everyone's heart."

She will read that one day. What a great description!
We don't have a travel date yet, but we have papers coming & pictures to remind us who we are waiting for! 
This is an emotional roller coaster but through it all, God is the Anchor! Keeping us steady & focused. He's doing all the real work under the stormy seas! I Just can't fathom the faithfulness of God right now! I heard a song this morning that hit the spot:
Never once did we ever walk alone. Never once did you leave us on our own. You are faithful! 
God you are faithful!
Thanks for praying with us. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Just thought you should is Simran's 4th birthday.......AND..........We got her!!!
They approved us and her!!! 8 months older and all!! 
I got a message at 5:30 this morning! 
We knew it! Now they know it!
I wonder when she will know it??
 Well today happens to be her 4th birthday! And two weeks ago (when we didn't know, but we did know, you know?)we happen to send her a birthday package & it should be in her hands! And we happen to have planned a little birthday celebration tonight in her honor! What a celebration it will be! 
God is writing a beautiful story here. 
We will never forget that she was approved to be a Quinley on her 4th birthday! Last birthday without your family. One day closer to me holding you! 
The next step is finding out when we can go to India to bring her home. There are ALOT more papers & legal steps to take so it could take months & months more. We are praying boldly in this house though! If you would, join us & ask God to bring her home by Christmas! He is most certainly able to do a paperwork miracle! We know His timing is best & perfect but do you remember the story In The bible about Joshua asking the sun to stand still? (Joshua 10) 
So we are pulling a Joshua and asking God to bring Simran Neena home by Christmas!
Every good & perfect gift comes from our father in heaven!! Thanks for this gift God! 

Janm Din Aapko Mubaraak Ho Simran Neena Quinley (happy birthday in Hindi)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Adoption:the good, the bad, the waiting

4 month....that's how long it's been since we last heard about the adoption. So, we still don't know if they have approved us to adopt her or not. And I need to know! And today would have been a great day to know! But yesterday came & went, just like today. Without any news. Just silence! No news again. So again,I say I need to know! 
But then again.....don't I already know.
I mean doesn't every fiber within me just "know" that she's the one! Wasn't my spirit quickened when I got that phone call with her referral 1 month ago? There have been too many signs, too many confirmations, divine appointments for her not to be "her"! 
So do I need to know? Do I need proof, when God has already said so to my heart? Isn't faith the evidence I need? So if I really think about it with my Faith eyes on, I guess I don't need them to tell me or a paper to say it! A mother knows her child! I knew it the moment I got the call, before I even saw her face. I knew I was her mother. So I knew before they did! 
So it's safe to say.....they need to know! 

Friday, October 4, 2013

A Divine Appointment

Well, it has now been 3 weeks waiting to here back from the council. We still do not know if they have approved the adoption in India. But we have such a peace that it will be a yes! 
So why did I blog today if there is nothing to update? Well, i need to tell you about a divine moment!
Do you believe in coincidence? What about divine appointments? Things only God could orchestrate here on earth! Well, if I didn't, I do now! Here's how it went down:
Our family had a free night Wednesday night with nothing to do, which is sometimes rare. So we ate early & sat down to watch the Croods & have family snuggle time. I had to make a few emails so I had my iPad with me sitting on the couch. I decided to go to the orphanage website where Simran Neena is to see if I could find a picture of Lorraine, our social worker there. Well I didn't find one but started just kinda looking around the website. And for whatever reason (clear my throat...God), I clicked on a tab that said the joy of Palna. Palna is the name of the orphanage. So it ended up being a video and this pediatrician explaining how Palna has grown and advanced over the last 15-20 years. Not real exciting but for whatever reason (clear my throat again...God), I can't stop watching this boring video. Then the doctor presents some case studies of some children with severe medical issues and how Palna helped them. I, being medically minded, suddenly got interested. And at minute 13:15 on this video she starts talking about a baby named Simran with osteogenesis Imperfecta!!!!! What?!!!!! I'm freaking out again just typing it! So she basically tells all about her birth story and we learn that she was premature weighing 3 pounds at birth. She was brought to Palna at 5 days old found by the police. She was so so sick & the doctors weren't sure what the extent of her injuries were & how to treat her until they saw her eyes. A classic sign if osteogenesis is blue eyes ( or blue whites of the eye). So, what's in a name? Neena is the name we have always called her even before we knew who "her" was. It means beautiful eyes. And it was those unusual eyes that saved her life!!! The doctor said that when she saw her eyes she remembered having another child years ago with the same diagnosis & immediately knew who to call and how to treat her! Then they showed a picture of her in the hospital so sick and another picture of her one year ago! She is beautiful! She just looks like a quirky Quinley to me! And then the video stopped! No more case studies. She was the very last one. Had I not clicked 
on that video, or watched the entire 15 minutes.....this was a divine appointment people!!
What a story Simran Neena will have! What a great God who loves us so much! Even down to a video, some blue eyes, and a name! 
But you know, she is special and her story is extraordinary but so is your story. If we are god's child, then we are all chosen, appointed, called, blessed..... Don't miss your divine appointment for your own life! the world will try to take God out of everything. And make you feel crazy if you talk about supernatural stuff. Coincidences may happen but don't be afraid to call it like it is sometimes...divine!
I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. (John 14:18 NIV)

Sunday, September 29, 2013

No News is good news.....

Whoever coined the phrase, "No news is good news", never adopted a child! No news is NOT good news! No news is awful! It's stressful! It's heart wrenching! No news could drive a control freak crazy...Or it could teach me a lesson on how to surrender my life, my plans to The Lord. No news could be the thing that makes me say, that's it, this adoption thing is for the birds! Or it could be the thing that pushes me closer to the Throne of Heaven! And as I struggle with the waiting, the frustrating delays & paperwork that seems so senseless, I haven't struggled alone. I have felt My comforter so near. He is so awesome that he sends me daily reminders to help me not freak out & put my hope in him! I might miss these little reminders if I'm not careful or if my focus is inward. But he sends me Patients from India who speak her language, a karate mom from Delhi, India, a box that would be perfect to send her a birthday present in, i meet a stranger adopting from the same country with the same agency. little reminders! And my bible, its like fresh air, like water for my thirsty soul! I have to repeat verses all day long so that I'm not obsessed with the wondering & stressing and so that i don't jump every time my email Bings or phone rings! So I think the phrase should be "Good news is good, but no news doesn't have to be so bad". 
So no matter the news, God is good & he will lift you up! Here are some verses that I read daily!!

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6, 7 NIV)
Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west. I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’ and to the south, ‘Do not hold them back.’ Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth— (Isaiah 43:5, 6 NIV)

“You whom I have upheld since your birth, and have carried since you were born. Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you. (Isaiah 46:3, 4 NIV)

Those who hope in God will not be disappointed.”.......That’s because I will fight your battles, and I will save your children. (Isaiah 49:23, 25 ERV)

And as we wait to hear if the council has approved the adoption, The Lord reminded me of this scripture over & over! He is ultimately in control of the council & this decision. 
The King's heart is in the hand of The Lord, He directs it wherever He pleases! Proverbs 21:1

So, no news yet! But we petition the King everyday & are thankful that He doesn't leave us here to struggle alone! 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

She is ours!

So, today was THE day! Around 11:30 am on September 18th, We got an email from the orphanage in India. They had answered all of the questions we had & then Pat asked me one: "We'll...???" And Everything within me said, Yes, we want her! And with that, She was ours!!! 
So here is the timeline so far:

October 2009- Simran Neena is born
November 2011- we start the search for an adoption agency
February 2012- paper pregnancy begins
September13th, 2013- we get Simran's referral & see her picture for the first time
September 18th, 2013- we accept the referral & she is ours

Well sort of......we have to wait a few more moths most likely & fill out a lot more papers! 
And we actually already hit a minor bump in the road. India's policy is that our adopted daughter must be younger than our youngest child. Well Simran Neena is 8 months older & that could be a deal breaker! Last night we actually stayed up writing letters to India about why she should be a part of this family! No matter what, God is working on her behalf and our behalf so that the right thing, the good thing, the perfect thing happen! And we pray that it's for Neena to be with us! I hope you will help us pray for that. 
We also found out that our orphanage social worker's name is Loraine & we have been praying specifically for her. I have heard stories of parents that wait for almost a year to go get their baby because the orphanage was so slow. It breaks my heart for them. So we are extra thankful for Loraine because she seems like a hard worker & speedy! We will soon be getting a family package together to send to Neena in India. It will be full of toys, pictures & love! 
It's difficult to go through a season in our life that is out of our control, emotional and full of waiting. But it's during these times that we rely on our faith in God & just put all hope in him. God has encouraged us so much, speaking to us & confirming this for us! I want to leave you with some encouragement, something God spoke to me this week before we heard anything from the orphanage. And hopefully it will encourage you if you are in a waiting season:
God is not wasting this time of waiting!
Do you think God sleeps?
He is using this time to teach you, to prepare hearts, and he is moving mountains & obstacles that you can not see! 
Just Focus on Him & Trust in Him! Not the outcome, not your plans!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Have you seen her!

"Have you seen her?" Says Pat, my adoption agent. (And of course then all I can think of is MC Hammer and that song he used to sing, "Have you seen her, Tell me have you seen her"!) 
However, she's referring to the most precious Indian girl that I will lovingly call daughter one day!!! 
And here's how it happened: I was at work, an ordinary kinda day, then "bam", the phone rings!Phone  ringing, Usually not too exciting but, Thursday I went from putting in a catheter to having a baby in seconds!! Okay that sounds wierd, so just know that I work in Urology so catheters are a normal thing but having a baby out of the blue.....not normal!! 
My adoption agent Pat calls and says I have you a little girl! She tells me that she is a little older than what we thought we would get and she has some medical problems. I will tell you that for a split second I was kinda sad cause I think most young couples who adopt, just naturally want a perfectly healthy little bitty baby. But that split second passed & then I just fought & fought tears of joy. I mean I'm at work & I am not an emotional sort, I do not like to cry & most definitely not in front of others. So after hyperventilating I go back to work for the next few hours, hoping not to harm any patient cause my mind is surely not on work, it's on "my daughter". Could she be the one? Is this it?
So my hubbie, Erin & I tell our kids that they may have found Neena!! And that night we sit down to read her file. The only paper that tells us anything about a child that I could be putting to bed all warm & snugly with her brothers & sister!
So here's what I find out: Her Hindu name is Simran, which means gift from God, her birthday is October 27,2009, she's lived in an orphanage in Delhi,india since birth. The papers say she was dropped off at hospital (in a "Palna". It's a cradle so people can put unwanted babies in there) and had at least 3 fractured bones & sepsis, that she was basically in and out of the hospital with sickness her first year of life. And they diagnosed her with a genetic disease called osteogenesis Imperfecta. That specific disease can range in severity but it basically makes your bones very fragile susceptible to fractures. They think hers is mild. So now comes the questions, we have sooo many!! We don't know if she suffered trauma at birth or if someone tried to harm her before dropping her off at the hospital? Does she know any English? When can we come get her? Does she walk & run normally? What does she eat? What's her personality? When can we come get her? And when can we come get her????? 
At this point we had never seen a picture. Pat did not want us to see her and then decide we didn't want her because of the medical & feel bad. So she sends me the picture & texts me, "Have you seen her?" And I am in love!
Now, we are waiting......yes, more waiting. Eighteen months of waiting to find her now waiting to see if she's ours and then waiting to go get her!!!! I've never been more excited to wait!!!
 And when she comes home, this is what she will come home to: a twin brother Logan, since they are both 3 & both have a cleft chin, I decided I would refer to them as "the twins", a big brother who will taekwondo anyone who says she's "Imperfecta", a big sister who will be mommy #2 & her roomie/bestie, a mommy & daddy who searched the world for her & has loved her since they were 16, grandparents to spoil her, take her to the beach for the first time, ride her on the 4 wheeler for hours, cousins who will adore her & have sleep overs, aunts & uncles to take her to movies & frozen yogurt, friends who pray for her...........Your family waits Neena! With Hope we wait! And we still pray, Let today be the day.... But it's changed from let us find you today to let us bring you home today!

Monday, June 24, 2013

All the days written in your book!

When I think of this adoption process; of Neena; of this faceless dearly loved child, Psalm 139 comes to mind: You knit me together in my mother's womb & all the days of my life were written in Your book before one day even happened! Hence the title of this massive Premier Post on this blog. 
  I've read a few blogs about Indian adoptions and its crazy to find some similar stories, not so different from our own. Of course that doesn't make our story any less special, just reminds us that its the same author writing these books. And The author I'm referring to is the one true God. Lets just get this out of the way, i am one of those Jesus freaks, one of those no coincidences kind of people. All of this is ultimately Gods plan & all for his Glory! Our family has experienced God in so many ways and he's the main event of our story so there will be no "higher power" or deity references other than the God of the universe! This blog is meant to encourage fellow adoptees, document this journey for family & friends and somehow bring honor to God, the master mind behind it all! 
It all begins with 2teenagers, you know the story, boy meets girl, they date, they dream.......the girl obsesses about the wedding & has the exact number, gender & name of all future offspring planned out!!! I remember the first conversation Erin & I had about our future life. Probably 17 or 18 years old sitting in church, writing notes.  Writing my future name a bazillion times. We both agreed 6 kids would be enough (ah!) and from that very first encounter I said, "we will adopt for sure"!, Erin pipes in "yea" (not sure it wasn't a teenage boy hormonally driven yes, but regardless he agrees) He says," it will be a girl" and I say "her name will be Nina"! (Now later she has a spelling change when we find out Nina is an Indian word meaning beautiful eyes but spelled Neena!)

Fast forward throughout years of courtship & pre-married life and you will find numerous conversations along the same line & each family planning session would include Neena. We also planned to have a namesake for Erin whom we'd name Luke. Erin indeed got his namesake Luke & 2 other unimaginably awesome kids.But  ya know, then you grow up & the honeymoon ends, the real world hits. Blah, blah, blah! By 2011 we have 3 kids- vivi 7, Luke 4, Logan 16 months.  That 3rd kid btw.....was a doozy! just totally changes the game. as my pastor says we went from man to man to zone defense! Somehow, as the reality of having a crazy life with 3 kids sank in, adoption was no where near our radar!
That was until....November 2011. An ordinary day, up at the crack of dawn on a Saturday with the 16 month old non sleeper. I was praying & reading the bible. While praying for my kids I heard something within me out of the blue say, "hey, remember you are supposed to adopt"? Now I don't know about you but I'm from a small country town, wilmer,al, so God has to kinda talk to me like Si from Duck Dynasty! Weird, I know!  So I remember looking down at my 16 month old I'm holding & thinking, what?? I've got 3 kids & this is crazy, so here's my number call me later!! 
I would like to say that I immediately prayed & fasted but instead I rationalized that the voice was actually my lack of sleep talking & I just went on. But every morning, I would sense the same call, hear the same voice.... this is usually how God works with me &  Erin, we are a little slow & don't get it the first time so we know its God when We just can't let something go! If it keeps coming up & then we see a movie about it, its on the news, our friends  randomly talk about,....well that's usually our huge neon flashing sign from God to do it!! 
So after a few weeks of this I get up the nerve to tell Erin, Just knowing he would laugh or ignore me! But instead he says, "ok, lets do it". I have to admit that he really let me down on this one, I mean, you think you know someone & then they say ok....ok!!!  Now I will tell you we didnt really know anyone who had adopted & I didn't know where to start.  So I did what any intelligent prayerful, god fearing person might do....i googled it! 
I got a bunch of adoption packets mailed to me. Erin and I start reading through them & figuring out how much stuff cost, how Long it takes, how much it costs & how much it costs...did i mention how much it costs!!! So the very first decision we made was Where to adopt? Easy in thought, first choice was USA! Woo hoo. It's cheaper, lots of kids needing families, it's cheaper. Did I mention its cheaper! But you know, something within us, called the Holy Spirit, was guiding us with every decision and both of us did not feel right about an American adoption. So then we get an international adoption packet. And I say, yes Africa! We've been to Africa & we loved it! In fact, long story but Erin has felt drawn to missions in Africa so I had it all figured  out.... Perfect plan....adopt from Africa, tell people the good news of Christ in Africa....Done! But Erin did not feel right. It's important to be united in every decision as a couple. There's a wise saying that in marriage, 2 yeses are a yes but one no is a no. We look at just about every country open to adoption and at that time India was still closed to international adoption. So one night Erin mentions Morrocco, because honestly we think those people are beautiful & at this point we are running out of countries. Somehow in my Internet search that night, we stumble upon India. (Again, from wilmer,al & geography may not have been my best subject). I seriously have no logical explanation for how we pursued India, no voice from God or Si this time. 

I search agencies that work with India & find not many (which I later learn was because of the hold on international adoption there). Except I see one in fairhope, al which is 45 minutes from us. So on a whim one Friday late afternoon I call just to get them to send a packet in the mail. A woman answers & I say I want some info about their agency. She asks what country? And suddenly I feel put on the spot like all this pressure for me to decide! I mean what if i say Africa, should i ask about Morrocco, i mean don't know anyone in India?? Then she says, "I mostly do India".
 At that moment a familiar feeling rushes over me..... The very presence of God....his Holy Spirit..... and He immediately gives me the peace I need to say, " That's exactly what I need information about; India!"
So begins our paper pregnancy. Officially in february 2012! 
We knew nothing & I mean nothing about adoption & still I don't use the proper lingo & I'm always asking my agent what this means and what's next. 
Now 16 months into this process after tb skin tests for all the ninos, finger printing out the wazoo, money, deadlines, notaries & more, we are paper approved to adopt! Now we hurry up and wait!   
 There are days I get frustrated with the 3 kids I already have & think, what am I doing, am I crazy!! Or I start to ask will this ever happen, its been so long, or are we doing the right thing.... All those doubts the enemy uses to take away the blessing, to minimize that thing God spoke to you & you alone!! Every time those doubts came, my God sent something or someone to confirm the decision. As small as a "made in India" inscription on my notebook. Sounds silly, but Something just for me, cause that's how God is! He gets you, He knows you, He provides for you. He's not like anybody else in the world. If you don't know him, man are you missing out! It's pretty awesome to be a child of the God of everything. Adopted into the family. And it's cool cause he sought me out, he paid the price, did all the work to make me his daughter and now we get to experience some of that for our adopted daughter (of course a much smaller scale)! 
It seems strange that a dream of 2 teenagers to adopt a little girl named Neena would ever become reality. Many are the plans of a man but when it's Gods plan, it will happen! He orders the steps! His plan succeeds! Not every wild hair we have will happen or should happen. But those God dreams should & they most certainly will!
He has been, & even now is, preparing this family for Neena. We have not seen her face, we don't even know if she's been born, but she was birthed in our hearts years & years ago and we will wait. She is worth the wait! And while we wait, we will worship the guy who planted that seed in us. The one orchestrating this life, always working behind the scenes. We will worship The Lord God and wait.......... and probably fill out a lot more papers  & write a few more checks..... But we will wait, with hope, we will wait! And for all you other folks that are waiting for your adopted child to come home, or your biological child to come home, you will wait, like the prodigal son's father, waiting &ready to feast & celebrate! And may the waiting make us stronger & push us closer to our Father!  
We could get a call today or yesterday, and that would be it!! But we know that God has a perfect timing for this. He's had it all figured out, this plan for Neena in our lives. he's had her big sister & brothers & aunts, uncles, grandmothers picked out. She's got a family that's gonna love & cherish her. So I know it's in His timing, the Neena plan......Of course that doesn't mean I won't pray, let today be the day......