Friday, March 21, 2014

Checking off the list

I am a list maker. I have many lists. Though, The enjoyment is not in making the list. It's the checking it off that gives me a thrill! Let me just tell you that when this adoption process started February 2012, there were loooong lists involved. And it's down to about 4 things on the list as of this morning. This week We got our Indian visas and this morning got the Article 5!!!!! 
And the official article 5 letter says:
Legal custody of Simran to be granted to Ernest & Nikki Quinley. 

Thats right!! If that's not clear, I don't know what is. 

But I have a confession to make: The last few weeks have been rough. We've had delays & frustrations with the adoption galore! I have been a stressed mess! And let's just say, the momma bear came out of me! My friends at work know first hand, we've been calling and on hold for hours, emailing, calling india in the wee hours of daylight, mailing documents and tears have been shed!!! But I realized that, this is what momma's do! We fight for our kids! We listen to our spider senses ( I mean mommy senses) until we figure out the problem. Simran Neena has never had a mom & dad to fight for her!! But she does now! And I'm so thankful for friends and family who are encouraging us and excited about this! Prayers are needed right now to get us across the finish line!
So we hope that Gods perfect plan keeps this train moving quickly over the next few weeks and that a court date will be in the works very soon! 

1 comment:

  1. Praying for a speedy process so you can get your little girl home!! May god bless you with wisdom & the knowledge you need to make this happen. May He put the right people in place at the perfect time to speed this along! Jesus make it happen soon!! Love y'all!
