Monday, October 13, 2014

Forever family day

I've wondered how it would go, the day she leaves the orphanage to be with us forever. I prepared myself for crying, screaming, hitting, cold shoulder. But I never thought she would beg to go, Point at the door, Cling so tightly to me. 
We arrived at the orphanage at 10:00 on Friday, 10/10/2014, only to find our social worker "on leave". So we waited for her assistant and she gave us all the paperwork, then we spoke to the doctors at the orphanage that have taken care if her medical since she arrived there. I talked to the doctor who named her. Precious!! Then we waited forever in the office lobby. Finally the assistant said that Simran was at the doctor getting the cast off. Then a while later they come back and say the X-ray show that the cast can't come off and can we come back to get her Monday... Yes! 3 days away! Can we just wait 3 more days??? What??? We said no of course! We told them we will just bring her back Monday for repeat X-ray and take her today with the cast. 
Then we got the famous Indian Head wobble! So we didn't know if that meant ok or no or What? A while later they tell us Simran is back and we go to her room. 
We are surprised to see her cast is off! Yay! But she was having pain and trouble walking. So I had to hold her hands to help and carry her mostly. 
Then we changed her clothes, ate lunch, said goodbyes and walked out the front door with her in our arms! 
Soooo surreal! 
That day we went to the Lodhi gardens And had to find a bathroom and then had to pay to susu (peepee). And she freaked out in the bathroom. She had never used a western toilet! Only Indian toilet which is a hole in the concrete or ground. So that was traumatic slightly! 
Then we went to a restaurant and she ate and ate and ate and ate! 
She loves rice and chocolate! 
We finally made it to the hotel and I decided to give her a bath. There was no bath so shower instead. But as soon as I put her in there she again freaks out!! Like screaming mommy no mommy no! I was pretty sure the police were coming at that point. So I just soaped the body wet the hair and done!!
She had only had sponge baths so shower was too much!! 
We all snuggled on the bed that night and dreamed of the future we would have! 
Happy forever family day Simran Neena Quinley

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