Wednesday, September 18, 2013

She is ours!

So, today was THE day! Around 11:30 am on September 18th, We got an email from the orphanage in India. They had answered all of the questions we had & then Pat asked me one: "We'll...???" And Everything within me said, Yes, we want her! And with that, She was ours!!! 
So here is the timeline so far:

October 2009- Simran Neena is born
November 2011- we start the search for an adoption agency
February 2012- paper pregnancy begins
September13th, 2013- we get Simran's referral & see her picture for the first time
September 18th, 2013- we accept the referral & she is ours

Well sort of......we have to wait a few more moths most likely & fill out a lot more papers! 
And we actually already hit a minor bump in the road. India's policy is that our adopted daughter must be younger than our youngest child. Well Simran Neena is 8 months older & that could be a deal breaker! Last night we actually stayed up writing letters to India about why she should be a part of this family! No matter what, God is working on her behalf and our behalf so that the right thing, the good thing, the perfect thing happen! And we pray that it's for Neena to be with us! I hope you will help us pray for that. 
We also found out that our orphanage social worker's name is Loraine & we have been praying specifically for her. I have heard stories of parents that wait for almost a year to go get their baby because the orphanage was so slow. It breaks my heart for them. So we are extra thankful for Loraine because she seems like a hard worker & speedy! We will soon be getting a family package together to send to Neena in India. It will be full of toys, pictures & love! 
It's difficult to go through a season in our life that is out of our control, emotional and full of waiting. But it's during these times that we rely on our faith in God & just put all hope in him. God has encouraged us so much, speaking to us & confirming this for us! I want to leave you with some encouragement, something God spoke to me this week before we heard anything from the orphanage. And hopefully it will encourage you if you are in a waiting season:
God is not wasting this time of waiting!
Do you think God sleeps?
He is using this time to teach you, to prepare hearts, and he is moving mountains & obstacles that you can not see! 
Just Focus on Him & Trust in Him! Not the outcome, not your plans!


  1. In tears! So happy for you all! I will be praying as well!!!!!

  2. In tears! So happy for you all! I will be praying as well!!!!!
